tramando dress from argentina, hansel from basel tights, mayle shoes, vintage belt
Consider this my favorite things entry: my new favorite brand is Tramando, which I discovered in Argentina, my new Hansel from Basel tights and these new Mayle clogs.
Tramando is a line that looks like a combination of Zero Maria Cornejo mixed with Opening Ceremony by way of random cool insert jean brand name here//maybe Sass and Bide (???-well siince they've started making dresses and such), and the price points totally reflect that. The dress I'm wearing was around two hundred and fifty American dollars (or 800ish Argentine pesos), though it's actually two cotton dresses layered together, so I actually had to purchase them separately. It's insanely comfortable. Most of the clothes from this recent season, which is Spring/Summer 2010-2011 since it's an Argentine brand and being in the southern hemisphere, it's currently summer there, featured asymmetrical dresses, thin rubber vests with layer cut out diamond designs covering the entire front, intense beaded bib necklaces and skinny jeans covered in paint. I wanted everything in the store, but one of the cheapest things ended up being my favorite piece, the dress I'm wearing. So that's what I bought.
Just another line I want to put into my fake store in my head. In this store would be a lot of great, awesome, amazing things- like Lula magazines, Bikini Kill and old Blues vinyl albums, pristine vintage dresses, this brand, hammered gold gauntlet jewelry and Rachel Comey shoes in a size 11.
Hansel from Basel Tights
First of all, this brand has the best customer service, not even kidding. I put down the wrong address, they found the old order, issued me a new order, which I received yesterday, all before CHristmas. Amazing, right? But on top of that, their tights are super duper comfortable and super duper adorkable. If they made tights in solid colors, I'd buy them, too. Consider this: I buy American Apparel tights and the cost of Hansel from Basel is almost the same to American Apparel, but Hansel from Basel are so much softer, fit so much better and are more durable. After one wear, runs and holes appear in American Apparel tights, but I've had this certain one of Hansel from Basel tights for 2 years (!!) and it is just now getting holes and pilling. No lie.
Mayle Clogs
These are the best ugly pretty clogs. Meaning they remind me of actual clogs, and they are almost uncute but at the last second, then swerve violently into pretty territory (be it the hard ware she wonders? Or the dark navy blue suede black leather combo? THe cork heel? The fact that it's a winter clog sandal? Pick any of the above). The soles are super flat with a slight incline, with an attached platform, which is seeming to be an incredibly popular style for platform sandals this summer. I'm debating about ordering a second pair for warmer weather. THe only thing that holds me back is that they aren't cheap. And I had to special order a size 42, because they are running small. The size 42 is a touch big on me, but not in a bad way, in a kind of awkward but it works way, ie there is about 1/4 or 1/6 of an inch of room between the end of the shoe and my big toe.
The clogs were one of my favorite things from the Mayle re-edition/Siggerison Morrison collaboration. A close second is the bag "Santa" is bringing me for Christmas. And no, 23 years old is not too old for a visit from Santa (She says with a slight pout and very hurt look on her face- we are all children at heart right? RIGHT? SANTA IS REAL, darn it, I just visited him at the mall to make sure!)
Happy Christmas Eve people! I'm celebrating with family, buttermilk chess pie and listening to Nicki Minaj's "Moment for Life" on repeat. It's a thing, I like my mis-matched combos.
Be safe, kids.
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