The days have kind of blended together in a lovely, laid back I'm on vacation and oh calendars exist? kind of way. We went to a musueum and I quickly speed walked/chased down a girl (it's rather hard to run in pencil skirts) for her photo.
Inside the Malba (the modern art musuem), we paid, went upstairs to see the Marta Minjuin exhibit. I had never heard of Marta Minjuin but according to the exhibit, she was/is an artist that came about in the '60s, creating large scale pieces that ineract with outdoor and indoor spaces. She seems like the Buenos Aires Andy Warhol, and to further support this rather large generalization I've made about Minjuin, I will tell you this- there are three photos of Minjuin and Warhol ontop of maize, sitting in chairs. In each photo they change positions and both are wearing black, the images were shot at the Factory.
So. there's that.
One of her pieces was a room made of mattresses and full of mattresses- which kind of reminded me of a womb- it was a very comfy space designed primiarly for comfort. Inside was a TV playing a grainy black and white video of an old neighborhood with rather old and stately looking buildings.
Minjuin seems really into the use of textiles, creating massive structures out of fabric and making unwearable but ornate costumes.
She also made massive architectural structures that included a bread covered dome which she knocked down, two massive effigies that were burned, and a scupture of the Odalisk lying on it's side (The Odalisk is a monument in Buenos Aires that looks nearly identical to the George Washington Monument).
Look, a tripytch I made of a bench from the Malba!
And, of course, more graffiti
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