mayle pants, madewell shirt, miu miu shoes
cynthia rowley sequin shorts and top, repetto flats
and now that imma graduate, let the job hunt begin!!
oh jeez...
okay, stay positive.
charge forth for job searching!
but to be real and frank for a second, as scared as i am, i'm also really excited. the speaker for tisch commencement (there are multiple colleges at nyu, tisch is the art college) was describing how much media is changing and how we share and look at media is changing, it was only five years ago that youtube was created. i live in a time, where i don't necessarily remember posting ads in a newspaper for a secretary, i live in a time where you look at craigslist. peers and i are the ones that will be figuring out how to navigate this world that is mainly digital and intangible, this crazy new world. and that's really exciting. as a photographer, it's bizarre and neat and scary. what with the ease it takes to upload images onto the web, i often wonder (and should look into watermarking) where mine go and who sees my work? trademarking and the idea of it is changing so rapidly in a digital realm. the printing press redefined literature, photography changed the art world, the internet is changing how we intake media.
i'm super scared and excited to be an artist in these times.
I do NOT believe you got those shoes - I am so green right now!
Congratulations! I second Aviva's comment on those fabulous shoes. We have to get together again soon.
I hope you had a wonderful graduation.
want to enrich your wardrobe with a new t-shirt? , You must take part in my contest!
Check it out
@aviva- don't be that jealous, they are so hard to walk in
@moya- yes please! we should hang out more now that i have infinite free time being that i am unemployed and out of school.
Text me, Caroline. Definitely we have to hang out.
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